
But we've divided up our chores
for the week and...

...he's always too busy
or has some excuse.

And we wind up doing his.
How about you?
He says derogatory things
about other ethnic groups.

And even though I believe
in freedom of speech...

...you know, it's like the way
smoke is air pollution...

...I feel that racial slurs are
a form of hearing pollution.

I don't want to sound girly
about any of this...

...but I think all of us have taken
an exception to Paul's personal hygiene.

How about he makes more of an effort?
We'll meet again after a grace period
and see how it's going.

I don't know if I could do that.
I love making racial slurs,
and I hate doing chores...

...and indoor plumbing is
just way too confusing for me.

That's who I am,
and if they can't deal with it then...

...I'd rather live alone.
I'll file this with Housing
and see if we can't get you moved.

In the meantime, better start packing.
-You from the veterinary school?

No? Then why'd they pick you?
There's a housing shortage, and I'm on
a list for another dorm, but since I'm not...

...a paying customer,
I'm sure I'm a low priority.

-That's okay, baby, it's all right.
-I'm sorry.

Did the mean man hurt you?
It's okay. Give me kisses. Don't worry.
It's all right, baby.
These are the operating rooms.
But don't ever go in there. They're sterile.
