Lucky Numbers

you know, big long look with
these big brown eyes, and he says,

"and i bet no one can win either!"

he's a genius. kid's a genius.
after all, h-how often
do i have to pay out?

- once, twice, three times a year.
- if.

if. so, moving right along.
next day, guess what.
i had 1 2 people hit the same number.

- no shit!
- yeah.

which even a six-year-old kid knows,
statistically, it's impossible.

out ofthe realm of possibility.
can't happen.

- i don't know what to tell you.
- here's the funny thing, though.

when i looked at
the people who picked,

a pattern started to emerge.
- really?
- yeah. your ex-wife.

your ex-wife.
your ex-wife's mother.

her mother's sister.
your dentist.

your cousin vic.
a few other stray crinkly leaves
from the family tree.

they all played variations
on the same number.

- you know,jerr.
- hmm.

if it wasn't for the fact
that we are dear friends--

- we are dear friends, right?
- dear friends.

i would suspect that you
are accusing me ofsomething.

i mean,jesus christ himself
can't rig the state lotter.

unlessjesus had a buddy
down at the tv station.

- ahh.
- ahh.

nah. chuckles
a real stumper, huh?

- yeah, a fuckin' head scratcher.
- a fuckin' head scratcher.

fuckin' head scratcher, mate.
you know, i got some pals
down at the d.a.'s office.

always looking for
a good head scratcher.

now,jerr, you never told me
you had a grandson.
