
mourning over
that unmarked war grave...

- [ Crying ]
- in faraway East Africa.

In the beating heart
ofour argument...

is an audacious, but
nonetheless valid, thesis...

which asksjust one question:
Canayoung woman...
afterthe odysseyofa widowhood
enduredforthelove ofcountry...

hope for protection
in the shelter ofa new life ?

Doesshehave theright
toyearn for, andto write...

a new ending
to her own love story ?

Your Honor, the citizens
ofCastelcuto reply: ''Yes !''

Will Cusimano
leave me alone now ?

Ofcourse. He's been put
into a psychiatric clinic.

He wants to volunteer
for the Forces in East Africa.

He doesn't realize
we lost Africa ages ago !

Butlet's forget Cusimano
andthe fickle Lt. Cadei.

- Let's get to us !
- [ Screams ]

[ Muttering ]
I know it's not much.
But it's all I have.
They've cut my pension.

Don'tyou understand ?
That's peanuts !
- My fee is much more than that.
- [ Gasps ]

You'll never have
enough money !

But how will
I ever repayyou ?

It's very easy, my sweet.
- What areyou saying ?
- Be with me, my love !

- I'm in love withyou!

A womanshouldn'tbealone
during thesehard times.

- [ Shrieking ]
- [Continues Chattering]
