Men of Honor

All right.
Best get moving.
Rain coming in.
Best get moving.
Ready, Jane, John.

Get up there. Come on now.
Stay the hoe, John.
Get the hoe, John.

Get that hoe, Jane.
Get the hoe, Jane!
Get up there!
Come on, Carl. You'll miss the bus.
Let's go, son.
Your father's waiting on us.

The U. S. Navy is a big opportunity
for a young man.

We got hot showers.
We got three square meals a day,
unlike the Army....

And l can keep this.
They're just giving it to me.
l wish l knew what l was gonna be.
Knowing you,
it's gonna be something big.

He ain't said not one word
since we left the recruiter.

-He's just real scared for you.
-Coloreds now.

-l love you.
-l love you.

Recruiter say first leave's September.
l wouldn't believe everything
that recruiter says.

Put it away for a rainy,
or send it home to Mom and Pop.

l'll come back, help mow the hay.
Don't. Don't ever come back here.
