Men of Honor

l don't know, chief!
That's because you're just
some dumb nigger from Podunk.

l know you. Your smell hung
in every damn shack l ever lived in.

Your face staring
when we had to leave. . .

. . .because your daddy
could farm it cheaper than mine.

He drank himself into a $7 casket,
but not me!

Because l'm a master diver!
Maybe you'll remember that
next time. . .

. . .you imply we got anything
in common. You read me, Cookie?

Get your goddamn Wisconsin ass
back to bed, Snowhill!

The men you are watching. . .
. . .are going to be Navy divers.
You bottom suckers are not fit
to observe them.

Avert your eyes!
My name is Master Chief Billy Sunday.
There was a preacher by the same name
who rid Chicago. . .

. . .of the whoring spics, drunken wops
and motherfucking niggers. . .

. . .who were making that place unfit
for decent white folks to live.

The only difference
between me and that preacher. . .

. . .is that he worked for God,
and l am God!

Now, the first 1 0 of you
Girl Scouts step forward.

Come on, drop your dicks!
Let's go!

Three-quarters of you standing here
will fail to become Navy divers.

Three from the first row,
step forward.

Step forward!
Of those unfortunates who pass, only
three of you will live to retirement.
