
Was he aggressive?
Cops!Sneaks along the outer edge,
disperses defence, passesgoalie...

Gottogetthe tim...
He mightknow.

Hi ! Do you know what time it is?
Thirty-nine, you fucking homogay!
``Homogay? !``
l don`t remember anything , so. . .

By the way. . .``homogay``?
lsn`t that a tautology?

1 00 000 on a single ticket!
Soccer, beer and babes!

-Okay, give me some money!
-No, then everyone will want money!

-But l`m getting married today.
-No, no, no!

``No?`` What do you know. . .?
- Stop the bus!

lmustn `tlook desperate.
Stop, l need to come with you !
-Whoopie Goldberg!
-Drive on ! Burn some rubber!

Turn around , drive to SÃ¥nga church .
l`m getting married in about an hour.

-Hell , l`m going out tonight.
-Can`t you change clothes for once?

Of course.
But l`m smelling of fucking fish !

lt`s green . Step on it!
Where are you going? l`m in a hurry!

Watch out!
1 9-1 0 to 70, come in ! A naked man
stole a car, probably the same man .

Fucking Norwegian car.
Don `tmention the war.

Go camping on a holiday... No way!
Camping is forNorwegians andkids...
-Hi , l need some clothes.
-What? No. . .
