
Hi , my name is Anders Karlsson .
l woke up in the elevator, naked .

Yesterday and today.
l followed the tracks here.

On my birthday and evertyhing .
Come on in !

ls it your birthday today, too?
What day is it?

Saturday. - Boys, come and see!
l`ve had a present.

This is what l`ve dreamt of.
-Wait! What date is it?
-Saturday, 7 June.

-See what l`ve got!
-Wasn`t l here yesterday?

Unfortunately not, but there`s
always a first time, right?

Get him !
The wedding is in two hours.
Ten, eleven...
lt is Saturday.
What didhe callme? "Homogay. "
Hello, what a nice bucket!
May l have a look?

You little brat, just wait...
Great! How much does a little guy
like you get from daddy every week?

-25 crowns.
-l don`t believe you . Show me!

-And when will you have children?
-Pretty soon , l think.

Anders simplyadores children!
Oh, yeah!
Thumb, forefinger, middle finger...
1 00 000 on a single ticket!
Soccer, beer and babes!

-Okay, give me some money!
-No, then l`ll have everyone after me!

l know, but l`m going to. . .
l think l`m getting married . Give me. . .


Why not?
Don`t be so fucking greedy!

Ring finger, little finger...
lstillgotsome brains!

-Butit`s Saturdayagain....
-You , stop! You hear?

1 9-1 0 to 70, come in !
A naked man has stolen a car.

For you !
