Nurse Betty

Wow. That was... Wow!
The day I left you, I just drove and drove.
I drove all day and all that night,
I just kept driving.

I stopped at this old country church...
...and the pastor let me in.
And I sat...

In the very first pew, where
we would have sat on our wedding day.

I can't believe I remembered that!
Although I mean I should, I wrote it.

But that was seven years ago,
and you're quoting it verbatim. I'm...

...flattered, I think.
Or frightened. One or the other.
- What's your name?
- Betty Sizemore. What do you write?

I'm Lyla Branch. I'm the producer.
- I have to admit you had me going there.
You're better than most of them, anyway.
Do you have a head shot?

Wait a second.
So what happens next, Betty?

Are you sure you... Well, why not?
What... what does happen next, Betty?
Well, David came out to, uh, do his
residency, and then he met Leslie...

No, no, no. We know all that. We want
to know what happened to you, Betty.

Oh. Oh. Well...
...I married a car salesman.
You were dumped for a car salesman,
George. A car salesman.

- Why'd you call him George?
- Why did I call him...?

Yeah, David.
Tell us about the car salesman !

Oh, right. Right. Well, you are, um,
you're talking about, uh...

...Fred, there.
- Del.
- Del. Del. Yeah.

Uh, Del, he was amazing.
He was... I mean, this guy,
talk about salesmen...

...he could sell anything to anybody
at any time. Amazing.

You know Del?
I don't know how to tell you this,
but Del and I go way back.

We went to school together.
As a matter of fact...
...he saved my life.
Oh, my gosh.
