Nutty Professor II: The Klumps

- Sherman, your fly. Your fly.
- Yeah, he can fly all over.

- No, no, no, zip your pants.
- [ Chuckling Nervously ]

Oh, my goodness.
Excuse me. I felt--
I felt a little breeze.

So, uh, genomic extractions.
But the whole concept
ofremoving faultygenes must
haveyou in an ethicalquandary..

[ Groaning ]
E-Excuse me. Ethical ?

Oh, yes, l don't know much
about "Ethicals", to be perfectly honest with you.

But the ''Quandar''--
I don't like the Japanese cars.

l don't like
the Ethical Quandary.

I'm a Volvo man myself.
Well, yeah.

- Oh !
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughs ]

Sherman is known as the leading expert
in genomic extractions.

Give us a little preview of the speech you're going to make
at the press conference.

- Say what now ?
- l know we would never be able to keep up,

but is there some way that you could explain it
in layman terms ?

Oh, you'd like me
to explain to you ?

Well, I would love to.
I would be honored.

It's really quite simple.
This corn, for instance--

This piece ofcorn here
can represent a strand of DNA.

And these little--

the individual--
the bumpy things that go--

The Green Giant
calls them ''niblets.''
Uh, niblets.

These niblets represent each gene,
and they determine everything about you.

For instance, Mrs. Gaines,
let's say if a person was to have big titties, like you.

- [Denise]
Sherman !
- l'm sorry. Big titties.

No, breasts. Scratch it.
Get off you. On me.

- Now, I have a big ass. Never mind that.
- [ Fork Clatters ]

What we're attempting
to do here is to extract
the, uh, the bad, badgenes.

Extract that titty out.
Andass comes out.

And just leave
the good genes,

which is very simple
if you think about it.

Just ignore that.
Please ignore those.
Those are the badgenes.

What I'm really tring to do
is go deep, deep down
into the gene structure,
