O Brother, Where Art Thou%3F

A third of a gopher'd
only arouse my appetite

without beddin' her back down.
Oh, you can have the whole thing.
Me and Pete already had one.
We ran across
a whole...gopher...village.

# O brothers, let's go down
# Let's go down, come on down
# Come on, brothers, let's go down
# Down in the river to pray
# As I went down
in the river to pray

# Studyin' about that good old way
# And who shall wear
the starry crown

# Good Lord, show me the way
# O fathers, let's go down
# Let's go down, come on down
# O fathers, let's go down
# Down in the river to pray
# As I went down
in the river to pray

# Studying about that good old way
# And who shall wear
the robe and crown

# Good lord, show me the way
# O mothers, let's go down
# Come on down,
don't you wanna go down?

# Come on, mothers,
let's go down... #

Well, I guess hard times
flush the chumps.

Everybody's lookin' for answers.
(Singing continues)
Where the hell's he going?
The Father, the Son
and the Holy Ghost.

# Good Lord, show me the way
# O sinners, let's go down... #
Well, I'll be a son of a bitch.
Delmar's been saved.
Well, that's it, boys.
I been redeemed.
