O Brother, Where Art Thou%3F

Well, no, sir.
Why, that was my idea.

I heard there's a man there,
pays folks money
to sing into his can.

(Tommy) They say he pays extra
if'n you play real good.

Tishomingo, huh?
How much he pay?
All right, boys, follow my lead.
- (Everett) Who's the honcho here?
- I am. Who are you?

Well, sir, I'm Jordan Rivers,
and these are the Soggy Bottom Boys,

out of Cottonillia, Mississippi.
Songs of salvation to salve the soul.
Uh, we hear that you pay good money
to sing into a can.

Well, that all depends.
You boys do Negro songs?

Um... Well, uh, sir, we are Negroes.
All except for our accomp...accomp...
the fella that plays the guitar.

Yeah, well,
I don't record Negro songs.

(Man) No, I'm lookin' for
some old-timey material.

People can't seem to get enough
since we started broadcasting it
on the Pappy O'Daniel Flour Hour,

so thank you for stopping by, but...
Sir, the Soggy Bottom Boys have been
steeped in old-timey material.

- Heck, we're silly with it.
- That's right.

Right. We ain't really Negroes.
All except for our accompanist.
(Tommy playing guitar)
# I am a man
# Of constant sorrow
# I've seen trouble all my days
# I bid farewell
# To old Kentucky
# The place where I
# Was born and raised
