O Brother, Where Art Thou%3F

# The place where he
# Was born and raised
# For six long years
# I've been in trouble
# No pleasure here
# On Earth I found
# For in this world
# I'm bound to ramble
# I have no friends
# To help me now
# He has no friends
# To help him now
# Maybe your friends think
# I'm just a stranger
# My face you never
# Will see no more
(Humming along off-key)
# But there is one promise
# That is given
# I'll meet you on
# God's golden shore
# He'll meet you on
# God's golden shore #
Whoo! Hot damn, son!
You did sell your soul to the devil!

Boy, that was some mighty fine
a-pickin' and a-singin'.

(Man) I'll tell you what.
Ahem. You come on
in here, you...

you sign these papers here,
I'm gonna give you $10 apiece.

Uh, OK, sir, but Mert and
uh...Aloysious'll have to sign x's.

- Only four of us can write.
- That'd be fine.

- Ha ha!
- Whoo!

Hey, mister, I don't mean
to tell tales out of school,

but there's a fella in there'll pay
you $10 if you sing into his can.

I'm not hear to make a record,
you dumb cracker.

They broadcast me on the radio.
That's Governor Menelaus
"Pappy" O'Daniel.

He'd sure like it if you ate his
farina and voted him a second term.
