O Brother, Where Art Thou%3F

Thank you for that fricassee.
I'm a man of large appetites.

Even with lunch under my belt,
I was a mite peckish.

Our pleasure.
Thank you as well for
the conversational hiatus.

I generally refrain
from speech during gustation.

There are those who attempt
both at the same time.

I find it coarse and vulgar.
- Where were we?
- Making money in the Lord's service.

Friend, when you do speak,
it's to the point and I salute you.

Yes, Bible sales.
The trade is not complicated.
There are two things to learn...

One, find a wholesaler,
the word of God in bulk, as it were.
Two, recognise your customer.
Who are you dealing with?

It's an exercise in psychology,
so to speak.

And it is that which I propose
to give you a lesson in right now.

I like to think I'm an astute
observer of the human scene, too.

No doubt, brother.
I figured as much at the restaurant.

That's why I invited you all out here
for this advanced tutorial.

What's going on, Big Dan?
It's all about the money, boys!
That's it!

I don't get it.
I'll just take your show cards.
- Yaah!
- (Yelling)

And whatever you got in the hole.
What the...
there ain't nothin' but a damn toad.

No, you don't understand.
That's Pete.

You know these give you warts?
