Ordinary Decent Criminal

What is it, chicken?
It's a holy book
with lots of pictures.

Oh, isn't that brilliant?
What I'd give to
have a present like that.

That's what I'd like to know
where did you come from?

Mickey, you know that job that
Tom was doing for you in England?

What I mean, Mike,
even though I always knew that

Tom was a bit of a fucking eject
you know, he was sound.

I mean, if you'd asked me
that's what I'd have told you.

Looks like
he's done a runner and...

there's no car and there's no gold.
So what do you wanna do?
Why the fuck did he think
he could get away with it?

It's not like him,
I'll say that for him.

And mind you, can you ever
trust anyone these days?

Yeah, you can.
That's what it's all about.

Wouldn't have asked him to
do the job if I didn't trust him.

What now?
You go find him. Bring him back.
You can finish your dinner first.
Jesus, are you gonna queue up?
I'll have to, won't I
unless you've any better ideas?

Well, I can get you in there
no bother. Private tour.

No, thanks,
I'll try the front door.

Fair enough.
Listen, I've gotta go.

Got this stupid fucking court thing
in half-an-hour.

Enjoy yourself.
I will.
You'll be all right, will you?

My Lord, may I request
an adjournment of proceedings

until Wednesday?
Application refused.
but, my Lord, Mr. Harrison...
the prosecution is ready,
the jury is ready, I am ready.

Your client cannot avoid
the process of law indefinitely.

Mr. McHale, are you ready to begin?
