Pay It Forward

I called the president
to talk aboutpollution.

But my mom said now they'II
put us on some Iist...

:35:13 she hung up.
For this assignment, I put up recycIing
fIiers at two supermarkets.

I'm going to put up a website
in Chinese.

It'II teII aII the kids in China to jump
up and down at the same time.

The goaI being to knock
the Earth off its axis.

-Thank you. Sit down.

WeII, your ideas are as surprising
as they are variegated.

Add that to your Iist of words
to Iook up.

But I want to focus for a moment on one
project we heard today.

I've been teaching for many years and
it's the first new idea that aIso...

...requires an extreme act of faith in
the goodness of peopIe.

Trevor has made an attempt to
interact with the worId...

...and that was the assignment.
And if I were an effusive person given
to easy praise...

...I wouId caII that...
The words from today:
utopian, enigma, quantum.

Add variegated.
I want you to go home--

-Hey, Mr. Simonet.

Were you just being nice?
About what?
About my idea.
Do you think it's good or were you
just being teachery?

Do I strike you as someone
faIseIy nice?
