Pay It Forward

Trevor's not feeIing good.
I'm sorry.
What's the matter?

Just a tummy ache.
Do you want to come in?
Sure. Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.

-It's a very beautifuI home.
-Thank you.

Have you Iived in Vegas your
whoIe Iife?

I toId him if you wanted to taIk to me
I wouId come to the schooI.

Mrs. McIKinney, I didn't ask to see you.
WeII, Trevor said you did.
Yeah and he gave me a note from you...
...which you didn't write.
He gave you a note from me?
Oh, God, that's horribIe.
He's been so--

-No, I didn't mean you.
-No expIanation required.

-Don't eIaborate.
-It's not personaI.

-I'm used to this.
-WouId you stop?

Can we just rewind here a IittIe bit?
I obviousIy didn't reaIize
how much Trevor Iikes you.

That's nothing that we can't discuss
on parent-teacher night.

Then why did you come?
Why didn't you just teII me to
come to the schooI?

Because you came to the schooI...
:43:28 taIk to me about your son...
...and I behaved Iike a--
An asshoIe?
Is that too traiIer-trash a word?
How's ''rat bastard'' sit with you?
It's pretty good.
-Oh, I Iike that.

Look, I'm--
