Pitch Black

And I'm just a payday.
That's why he won't kill me, see?
-The creed is greed.
-Don't waste my time.

We're not gonna turn on each other,
no matter how hard you try.

I don't truly know what's gonna happen
when the lights go out.

But I do know once the dying starts...
...this little psycho-fuck family
of ours is gonna rip itself apart.

Ever wonder why Johns shakes like that?
Ask him.
Ask why your crew pal
had to scream so painfully before he died.

So who are you really?
You're not a cop, are you?
I never said I was.
No, you didn't.
You never said you were a hype, either.
You have a little caffeine in the morning
and I have a little morphine. So what?

Here you got two mornings every day.
Wow, were you born lucky.

-It's not a problem unless you're gonna--
-No, it becomes a problem...

...when you let Owens die like that!
You have enough drugs here
to knock out a mule team.

Owens was already dead.
His brain just hadn't caught on to the fact.
