Preferisco il rumore del mare

Good evening.
On the eve of His passion,
when He dined with them...

He took the bread, parted it,
gave it to His disciples and said:

"Take it and eat it, this is my
body, offered in sacrifice for you."

He took the tumbler of wine, gave
thanks with the blessing prayer...

passed it to His
disciples and said:

"Take it and drink it,
all of you. This is my blood...

spilt for the new eternal alliance,
for you and for everyone...

in remission of sin.
Do this in my memory."

Body of Christ. You're
supposed to say "amen".

Come on.
- Body of Christ.
- Amen.

He helps at mass. Every morning,
he wants to do all the reading.

This bumpkin of yours is turning
out to be a churchworm.

After breakfast, he goes upstairs
to his room and studies till noon.

If he wants to finish junior high,
he's got to apply himself, no?

I think he's overdoing it a bit.
Even nights. He comes back from
work and studies till midnight.
