Proof of Life

The most you'llget is a sympathetic smile
anda pat on the back.

How long is this gonna take?
ln truth, l don't know.
You need to settle in for a long haul.
Nothing goes quickly in Tecala.

But thepeople holding Peter,
they do know what they're doing.

He's a very valuable commodity,
andit's in their best interest...

:30:19 keep him healthy.
Was Peter in the habit of taking off
and not telling you where he would be?

No. What are you getting at?
How is his health?
Peter's health has always been fine.

-What about allergies?
-No. Nothing.

He's allergic to chlorine and strawberries.
A blood vessel popped in his eye.
He's been taking drops.

And he's very prone to ear infections.
What about emotionally? ls he equipped
to handle this kind of stress?

What kind of stress?
l don't know, Frank. He doesn't know.
lt could be one week, it could be six.

She's Alice. What can l tell you?
Alice is Alice.

She's still out there,
trying to save the world.

-l can't tell you what she's feeling.
-Who are you? l mean...

...people who do this,
are you lawyers, foreign service, what?

Some law enforcement, some intelligence.
Mostly, it's military.

-Which are you?
-l was a soldier.

What kind of soldier?
British army.
-You sound Australian.
-l am.
