Red Planet

That must have a radio, right?
-Hang on.

It's 4 kilometers from here.
Going to get dark real soon.
It'll be too cold.
We'll go first light.
This thing still has enough rocket
fuel to keep us warm.

Here comes a billion-dollar campfire.
At least it's good for something.
If the radio at the rover works. . .
. . .we can contact Bowman. . .
. . .tell her there's breathable air.
But that isn't gonna help us, is it?
Must have been hard watching
Santen go like that.

Yes, it was.
I bet.
It's your girlfriend. She made it.
AMEE. I thought you were dead.
Hi, sweetie. Good to see you.
You're kind of banged up.
knew you'd make it.
Hey, are you a little out of whack?
Flip over for me.

Shoot. The processor's damaged.
-can she still navigate for us?
-Yeah, till she breaks down for good.
