Reindeer Games

Spend a day or two with her.
Make sure she's the right girl.

Just a day or two.
Maybe a night or two ?

Whatever it takes. Just make sure
you're gettin' the right merchandise.

- You know ?
- You know what ?

Enjoy your hot chocolate, Rudy.
I think I'll take my chances
with Ashley.

Yeah, I figured.
I figured.

- Hold it up close.
- Pop gate three.

Oh, shit !
- What's up ?
- Alamo's back.

Don't look like he missed the sunlight.
Bro, I'm fucked.
Pincher said he thinks I'm the one
who ratted him out for beating up Creed.

'Cause I was there, he thinks
I'm the reason he ended up in solitar.

Fuck, Rudy.
Move out!
And stop !
Move in !
Listen to this.
"I've made my list
and I've checked it twice.

"As long as you're naughty,
it's gonna be nice.

"All that gets me through the day, is to
close my eyes and imagine holding you,

"kissing you, touching you.
"Because I know I'll feel
at that moment...

I've found the reason
for my whole entire life."

She sounds pretty mature
for 25.

Yeah !
You grow up in Detroit,
you get matured real quick.

Yeah. Either that
or those pictures are ten years old.

Sure as hell don't
make me miss Millie Bobeck.

Guess I owe Millie, though.
Ifl hadn't been
rolling her,

I would've never
ended up here.
