Reindeer Games

you're still gonna be standing
here smelling up the myster cream fuck.

Who's in prison now ?
Hey, Alamo, how ya doin' ?
Out of solitar ?
Look good. Lose some weight ?

Look, man,
it wasn't me.

- It wasn't me.
- Two days, man. Come on.

Remember how her brother's
a truck driver down there ?

I'm thinkin' he might be able
to get me some work.

What work, security ?
I'm through with that shit.
Ashley's right.

I gotta start doin' somethin'
I got a stake in, get a business goin'.

I don't know, man.
I been in the business world.

Hot-wiring cars, Rudy, does not
qualify you as a small business.

"Chop-shop consultant"
doesn't work on a resume.

I always wanted to be
the boss of something, ya know?

Have people working for me.
Man, what's wrong with you ?
Monsters... in the gelatin.
- It's just a roach, Zook.
- Yeah, it's protein. It's good for ya.

- Monsters... in the gelatin !
- Calm down.

There are monsters
in the gelatin !

Monsters... in the gelatin !
Look at this shit !
Hey ! Jesus !
- Sit down !
- Son of a bitch !

You eat this shit !
- Get down, don't move.
- Stay out of it, Rudy !

You want
some fucking monsters ?

Two days, man.
Fuck !
