Remember the Titans

!There ain't
no mountain high enough !

!Ain't no valley
low enough !

Blue, shut up.
I don't want to see
your smilin' and shuff in',

and hear all your minstrel
show singing on this bus.

Got that right.
You can shut up, too.
!! When I die
and they lay me to rest!!

That's my bed.
!! Gonna go to the place
that's the best!!

!! When I lay me
down to die!!

And that's his bed.
!! Up to the spirit
in the sky!!

!! Goin' up to the spirit
in the sky!!

I ain't lookin' at that
for 2 weeks, man.

Take it down.
!! When I die!!
You can close your eyes
for 2 weeks, all I care.

Why don't you look at your wall
and I'll look at mine?

I'll look
wherever I want to,

and I don't want to be
looking at that for 2 weeks.

Then you better use your
X-ray vision, Superman,

and look right through it,
'cause it ain't comin' down.

Follow me!
Come on! Come on!
All right,
wait up!

Get off me!
Get off me!

Get him off.
Get off me!
Bunch of tough guys, huh?
You look like a bunch
of fifth-grade sissies

after a cat fight.
You got anger. That's good.
You're gonna need it, son.
You got aggression.
That's even better.

You're gonna
need that, too,

can throw a fit.

Foot ball is about
controlling that anger.

Harnessing that aggression
into a team effort
