Remember the Titans

Touchdown, Hawks!
Shape up that
defense, Yoast.

You just worry
about your offense.

Hey, they score again,
I'm takin' over.

That's it!
Watch him!
Watch him!

Hut! Hut!
Petey, get over here!
What are you doing, son?

You missed the block
by a mile.

You didn't even have the
football to fumble this time.

There's no excuse!
No excuse!

You want to play
football or not?

Do you want to
play football--

Boy, get over there
on the bench?

Herb, take over for me.
You got it.
You all right?

I was a 2-year starter
at G.W.

All this yelling
he's doing,

it--it don't do nothing
but make me play worse.

I can't play for this man.
You come play
linebacker for me.

23's killing us. I want
you to get out there,

I want you
to cover him for me.

- You want me to go in now?
- Yeah.

I can't! I--I...
I haven't practiced
with the defense. I can't.

hat doesn't matter.
Just get out there.

I want you to cover 23.
That's all you have to do.

We'll talk
about theres to fit

when we
put this one away.

You think Yoast is trying to
let them score on purpose?

Do you?
Oh, come on, Herman.
OK, let's go.
What is Petey
doing in there?

Looks like Yoast
is trying him out on defense.

He's taking Alan out.

Herman, Herman, Herman.
Come on. Let's see.
Let's see what happens.

It might be all right.
It's OK. You're OK.
You're OK. OK.

Don't you take out
my son!

He's gettin' beat like he
stole somethin', Mr. Bosley.

You just stay
out of it, girl!

He's just getting beat,
that's all I'm saying.

Set! 22!
Hut hut!
