Requiem for a Dream

You're my dream.
No, I'm certain.
I've checked again.

But maybe you gave me
a weaker one last time.

That isn't possible.
They're all the same potency.

But something isn't the same.
You're becoming adjusted to them.
It's nothing to worry about, OK?

- We got a winner!
- We got a winner!

She's beautiful,
with a winning sense of humour

and magical smile.
From Brighton Beach, Brooklyn,
let's welcome

Mrs. Sara Goldfarb!
Juice by Sara!
Juice by Sara! Ohh, Sara!

Sara's got juice!
Sara's got juice! Ohh, Sara!

love, Tyrone C.
Get your shit together.
You made bail.

How much?
Most of our cash.
You're up for consortin'.

oh, shit, man!
Angel says there's a war
between the Italians and Blacks.

Sal the Geep is keeping the shit
in Florida until Brody's gone.

- No one's got a thing.
- Except Big Tim.

Shit. let's go see him.
He only givin' up for pussy.
Pussy. He's hooked on it, man.
I'd give him all he wants.
He said I ain't cute enough.
