Road Trip

- Yeah. Well, better make it 75.
- Okay.

- Let's do it.
- Trust me, Kyle, it's science.

No, you guys. No.
E.L., get out of my car.

Kyle, in the car.
Come on.

We're okay.
You know we need to hit 60,
right ?

- I'm trying. This car sucks.
- Stop !

[ Everyone Yelling ]
[ E.L. ]
Thank you ! Yes !

What did I tell you ?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God !
My father is gonna kill me
when he finds out about this.

I only said we'd make it across.
I never said anything
about the wheels staying on.

What the hell
are we gonna do now ?

I'm totally screwed !
I don't have time to be walking
through the woods right now.

Josh, we're gonna call a tow truck.
We'll have the axles fixed.

We'll probably lose halfa day.
It'll be fine. It's just the wheels !
