Saving Grace

Excuse me?
Excuse me.

Yo. Yo.
I love it here.
It's so quiet.
lf you think this is quiet,
you should see Evensong.

I wish I were
a Cathollc sometimes.

I ncense,
nice costumes...

A lot to be said
for it, really.

They have confession. too.
I 've got some friends...
and I think they're going
to get into a lot of trouble,

and I don'tknow
what to do.

Don't suppose you
can go to the pollce?

Thought not.
lf you have
to commit a crime...

to get what you want,
then you're not
meant to have it.

I don'tknow
if I'm worried

more for them.
or worried for myself.

lf one has a problem
that seems
to be unsolvable...

then perhaps one shouldn't
try to solve it.

One should accept it.
What do you mean?
“God grant me
the serenity

to accept the things
I cannot change,

the courage to change
the things I can.
