Scream 3

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If you'd like to hear previews of
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- Come on. Come on.
- press five.

If you're trying to reach Lot Security
or you have an emergency, press six.

Oh! Fuck!
Look, I wanna get something straight.
I only got into this because
the police asked for my help.

- Why would the police come to you?
- Well, I did write..

the definitive book
on the Woodsboro murders.

I'm sure you just can't wait
to write another one.

- What about you?
- What about me?

You said you'd never leave Woodsboro.
"It's the only place that's real."

But now you're here.
Not with me.

Dewey, I took care ofyou.
I waited until you were well,
but I couldn't stay there.

It was like dog years. One year in
Woodsboro is like seven anywhere else.

So it's off to Paris for a week?
New York for a month? L.A. forever?

It was fucking 60 Minutes II.
- I couldn't say no. I could've
been the next Diane Sawyer.
- Wait a minute.
