Seunlau ngaklau

Relax, Miss Ma.
Our reputation is one of the best
in Hong Kong.

We'll give you round-the-clock

...until you're safely on the plane.
Are your bodyguards specially trained?
Some of our men are ex-SDU officers.
They're better trained
than the police.

A special police officer needs
23 seconds to stop an attacker.

My men need only 10 to 15 seconds
to do the same.

Can you describe your attacker?
Can you describe his features?
Help us to help you.
He's in his 40s, I think.
Short hair, looks like a Eurasian.
He has eyebrows like yours,
a bit bushy.

He has brown eyes.
A high-bridged nose like yours too.
His skin is coarse.
Like yours, with texture.
Your tie, he likes to wear ties
like yours.

How old are you, Mr. Ji?
I always thought Ji was a scam artist.
But some of his clients
are better at it than he is.

Did Shum refer this case to us?
I heard he knew some wacko woman.
Is she serious?
The man she described was you.
You'll end up
taking the fall for this.

Have you heard this story?
Yes. The one about two rats.
From their hole,
they saw a piece of cheese.

Next to the cheese sat a cat.
You haven't heard it, sit and listen.
Actually I've heard this story.
I just want to see if he tells it
the same as before.

Rat A asks Rat B:
" Do you think that cat
is alive or dead?"

Rat B replies, " If it's lying there,
it must be alive.

How can a dead cat be there?"
Rat A didn't pay attention.
He went for the cheese.
He thinks this is
the most ex citing part.
