
- What's my name?
- What?

- What's my name?
- I don't know.

-John Shaft!
- What?

-John Shaft! Say it!
-John Shaft.

There's a kid lives up the block
about 1 2 named Tony. Know him?

- Yeah.
- Wrong answer!

There's a kidlives down the block
about 12 named Tony. Knowhim?

- Nah, I don't know that kid.
- Stay!

- Quit pointing the gun!
- This kid you don't know.

You see him coming, you run
foryour motherfuckin' life.

- Do you ever wanna see me again?

- Do you ever wanna see me again?
- No!

- What's my name?
- I forgot.

- What's my name?
-John Shaft. John Shaft.

John Shaft, yo.
You ever wanna see me--
Oh, you answered that, huh?

My bad.
What? What?
Fuck all that!.
Fuck all ofyou!

- Give that back to me, man.
- It worked out great.

Yeah. Okay.
Hey, hey, hey, guys.
Break it up.

- You're fi ghting over rubber?
- He started it.

No, you always start it.
Here. Jump for it, okay?
And behave.
