Shanghai Noon

- What? You've wasted enough
time with me? What about me?
- Give me the book!

- Listen for a second. Stop!
- Give me the book! Hey!

Listen! Stop!
You're not in the East, okay?

You're not in China. This is the West.
The sun doesn't rise here, it sets here,

and you're closer
to getting us hung than you are
getting that book back, okay?

Now, just--
I like that.

That's what I'm talking about.
You're wound so tight.

You're the most irritable guy I've ever
been around. Just relax for a second.

Take ten minutes, and then
you can go back to screaming, I promise.

I'll join you.
Okay, just relax for a second.

Come on, sit down.
Come on.
Just relax.
Is that relaxed?
You look sort of
rigid there.

You know what?
We got off on the wrong foot.

Let's try to start again.
Man, you sure can fight.
I've never seen anything like that.
[ Imitating Karate Yells ]

It was--
I'm trying to give you
a compliment.

You're not still mad about me pointin'
you in the wrong direction, are you?

Come on. You gotta be able
to laugh at stuff like that.

Like me in the desert. I don't
hold any grudges. I laugh about it.

I'm not angry at you. You just
left me there with chopsticks to die.

Roy, all by his lonesome. Just me
and the buzzards pickin' at my head.

You're a very silent man,
aren't you?

You weren't expecting to see
old Roy in that bar, were you?
