Space Cowboys

You'd just have to knock it
halfway there.

That's just about 100,000 miles.
And then the moon's gravity
does the rest.

- Okay? Bye-bye.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you, Mrs. Holland.

I've never met a kid who didn't dream
of being an astronaut.

Ever meet a kid
that wouldn't grow up?

Sara Holland this is William Hawkins,
retired Air Force colonel.

The best pilot they ever had,
next to me.

The Hawk. I've heard of you.
Commander Jenkins told me a story
about you and him in Vietnam.

From Cliff Jenkins,
it's guaranteed to be 100% bullshit.

I'll guarantee you that.
How's he doing?

Actually, he's dead.
While Hawk gets his foot out of his
mouth, I'll introduce Tank Sullivan.

He's a navigator.
The best one the Air Force ever had.

He'd find anything anywhere.
That is, till God found him.

Now more than ever.
A pleasure to meet you.

This is Jerry O'Neill. He's
a structural engineer and designer.

Jerry worked on the Stealth project.
You remember that.

No nickname for you?
Well, you can call me...
If you men are ready,
we have some work to do.

Would you like a banana, honey?
I don't need to remind you of
the consequences of failure here.

- Personal consequences.
- That's the problem with you Russians.

With you,
the glass is always half empty.

These men you are sending up,
they're not astronauts.

The last time they trained for a space
mission, cars had fins on them.

The truth is Frank Corvin's
not going anywhere.

His team's not gonna pass
the physical trials.

This is supposed to reassure me?
