State and Main

I beg your pardon?
I've got your typewriter.
I don't need it. I quit.
- You quit?
- Quit the movie.

Why'd you quit?
Hey! Why would you quit?
Why I quit is not important.
But thank you for your help.

Actually, I'm not sure if I quit.
I think I got fired.

I'm such a liar.
I never could tell the truth.

Don't be hard on yourself.
But, I just got kicked off
my first movie.

Well, everybody has reversals.
If you were never down, how would
you know when you were up?

You have a gift for words.
It's in your play.
Evening, Annie.
See you at rehearsal.

You know your line?
'Rise, one need not bend the knee
before the throne of justice. '

- Go you Huskies.
- Go you Huskies.

He leaves the clothing
out all night?

- Isn't he afraid it'll get stolen?
- Ain't worth stealing.

Only thing in town worth anything
is that stained glass window.

historic firehouse, 1851.

Do you ever wonder why Dalmatian's
the symbol of the firehouse?

First organized fire department was
on the border of Dalmatian Sardinia...

in the year 642.
- That's why the Dalmatian?
- It was either that or a sardine.

Morning, Bucky.
There you go, pal.
