State and Main

In 197...
Don't run off.
Don't run off. We need you.
You know why?
You're why we're here.
Your script is why we're here.
Big deal, we fight a little bit.
You show me a family that doesn't.

But we got something good here.
You know what it is?

We're here to make a movie.
We can't use the old mill.
That happens.

What you got to do is
figure out the essence.

What is it that brought us
all here?

It wasn't the building, Joe.
It was an idea.
What is the essence
of your story, Joe?

It's about a man
who gets a second chance.

Then you write that.
And then this is our second chance.
That's why we're all here.

I want to make a good film.
I know you do.
And maybe it will be
a better film without the old mill.

Hey, it's with the gods.
We don't have the money.
We got to write it out.

And that's a lesson.
- Did you get your typewriter yet?
- No.

Grace, get on the other phone.
Get Mr. White his typewriter.

Yeah, Have what's-her-name
send up some nosh.

- What do you drink?
- I don't drink.

Did my matzos come?
Get some for everybody.
Thank you.
Let me tell you
about my first picture.

The chairs go.
- The La-Z-Boy goes.
- Not the La-Z-Boy.
