State and Main

We don't show your breasts.
We show your reaction.

- I'm so comfortable with that.
- Well, it was Joe's idea.

- You were exactly right. Great work.
- Thank you so much.

We are not out of the woods
I need that dead horse scene.

- I have Mr. Barrenger's Tuna BLT.
- Thank you.

- I tried to take it to him in his room.
- He's moved.

Well, I...
But, you know, what Walt said, Claire,
it makes a lot of sense.

The audience isn't
coming for your breasts

they're coming for your acting.
- What are you doing this evening?
- Having dinner with Walt.

To discuss the script.
Want to come?

- You mind?
- Not at all, Bob. Are you kidding me?

Isn't she a trooper?
We're going to go have some
local food, some roadhouse.

- Joe, you want to go?
- I've got a date.

He's learned
to write a movie...

and found some girl to curl his toes.
You're a monster!

- Too kind.
- Oh, quit your kidding.

- How's the dead horse scene?
- You can't kill the horse.

Oh, fuck me.
Yes, I'm trying, honey.

Look, is your mom...
When is your mom coming?

What did the midwife say?
- Did you get a dinner reservation?
- What?

Where's my schedule?
Where are we going to dinner?

- What's your problem?
- My wife's having a baby.

Is that on the call sheet
or is that personal business?

Christ. Marty?
Are we paying you?!

She didn't finish
knitting my sweater.

- Morning, doc.
- Morning.

What are you doing here, Doug?
I thought you started the day
with that pernicious caffeine.

Kiss my ass.
He's had a hard day.
Ann deserted him
for some guy on the movie.

They don't always leave
with who they come with.

Big day last night.
Hoped to tell you.
I picked the fragments of glass out of
Bob Barrenger's actual head myself.

- Morning, Carla.
- Morning, Uncle Ron.

- Morning, Carla.
- Morning, doc. Morning, Doug.
