
I know that surprises you,
but it's the truth.

- I know you cared about him too.
- I have a lot of work to do.

If you need anything,
anything at all, you just let me know.
Warning. High-gravity field
creating excessive rate ofapproach.

That would explain
why we're going so fast.

Was that meant to be funny, Nick?
Come on.
Where's your sense of humour, Sweetie?

Like you, l was nevergiven one.
Not much room to manoeuvre.
You are correct.
Engines on standby. Deploy RRT.
Rescue return transpor deployed.
Kinda knew you'd be comin' this way.
It's funny.
Here we are,
caught in the gravitational pull
of a blue giant,

and the one thing
you keep thinking about

is sex.
You know you want a baby.
You just need to figure out
if he's the right one to have it with.

I don't get it. How did you know? It's like...
It's not mind-reading.
It's more like
just knowing.
