The 6th Day

I don't.
Let's test the remote. Keep up.
All righty. Here we go.
These RePets come back, you can't
tell the difference. Trust me.

-I had it done.

I'm serious!
Sadie, my cat...she's a RePet.

You had her cloned?
Well, she fell out of my condo window.
-You did well.
-Thank you.

How long are you to keep me?
Till 7. Why?
Maybe I should check out RePet.
Good morning.
Are you gentlemen the owners?

Yep, that's us.
Excellent. Larry Stern,
I'm with Mr. Drucker's advance team.

I've got a contract here. You'll find
it pretty standard except for....

-Who was flying that one?
-Me, with the remote control.

We can fly four of these
between the two of us now.

-You here for the blood test?

No. My technician is set up
in your office.

These forms are standard except what?
It has a nondisclosure clause.
During the flight...
