The Art of War


It came off a Chinese freighter.
The longshoreman didn't think
much of it until dawn.

Oh, shit.
Our forensic guy picked this up.
I don't speak that language,
so I wouldn't know what that means.

Translator says it's Vietnamese.
Talks about the UN moving them
from a refugee camp.

-Looking for a new life.
-Hong Kong, refugees. Ray?

See if Amnesty can trace these to the
ones that disappeared last month.

Yeah, sure, chief.
That's quite a statement,
if that's what they wanted to make.

Think it has to do
with the Chinese conference in town?

"Although these refugees
were housed in Hong Kong. . .

. . .they were under the supervision
of UN officers.

You talk of human rights.
Three miles from here, sweatshops.

A mile from here, homeless people
living in doorways.

Yet you lecture my country...
...on our human rights record. "
Chinese Ambassador Jian Tze Wu.
In two days, China signs
a UN trade agreement. . .
