The Art of War

-McDonald's. Yeah, I'm gonna own one.

Yeah. Maybe two. Listen to me.
Governments, they come, they go.
But the McDonald's. . .
-. . .they last forever.
-All right.

But right now, we have a situation. . .
. . .that's rapidly deteriorating
into a political time bomb.

No parachutes, no submachine guns.
Just a simple eavesdrop.

A walk in the park.
This is New York City. A simple walk
in the park can get you killed.

Free trade! Free trade!
How can we make trade deals?
Dead refugees arrive
at our shores like cattle.

Stop the UN deals!
Support human rights in China!

Take that. The UN proposes
free trade. . .

. . .but this deal's about trading
at the expense of freedom!

The magnificent hotel
recently purchased...

. . .by business mogul, David Chan,
is alive with diplomats. . .

. . .who are welcoming China
into the world trade arena.

I didn't like it. Let's try
another one. Let's try this.

The magnificent hotel recently
purchased by business mogul. . . .

Wait. Hold it! Hold it!
Your microphone is poking me.
-No, it's not mine--
-I'm just messing with you.

Greg. UN reporter, huh?
Couldn't get a real job?

Smooth. Smooth.
