The Art of War

There's two sides to consider,
particularly with the Chinese.

That sounds very prudent
of you, actually.

The ambassador's been here a week.
You couldn't be more correct
in your analysis.

Mr. Chan.
What are we wearing?
-We are on the air.
-Yes, yes, yes.

He's complaining about the menu.
He's not a fan of Szechuan cuisine. . .

-. . .and somebody should have known.

He doesn't like
the pickled pig knuckles? No!

Ladies and gentlemen. . .
. . .thank you for your warm welcome.
China and the West began their history
together not in war. . .

. . .but in trade. It's trade
that brings us together tonight. . .

. . .and it is trade that will bind us
and unite us for years to come.

This agreement brings to fruition
years of hard work. . .

. . .by leaders on both sides,
driven by a belief. . .
