The Art of War

Because you, like most people. . .
. . .never stop to look
at the big picture.

I've looked at the big picture
every day for 20 years. . .

. . .and I've tried to look forward.
And you know what I see?

I see China maintaining
a stranglehold on freedom.

Influencing our political process
with illegal campaign contributions.

Stealing secret military technology
and selling it to our enemies.

Weakening us from the inside. . .
. . .Iike a virus.
This trade deal is an invitation
to finish the job.

We intend to cancel that invitation.
We intend to return America. . .
. . .to Americans.
Who do you think you're representing?
The people who have steered this
nation for decades behind the scenes.

The people who protect democracy
from itself.

For a woman obsessed
with Chinese conspiracies. . .

. . .you sound frighteningly similar to
the government you're trying to stop.

Thanks for stopping by. . .
. . .and thanks for this useful bit
of evidence.

I'm sure you'll find your own way out.
