The Beach

You hope...
and you dream.
But you never believe
that something's
gonna happen for you,

not like it does
in the movies.

And when it actually does...
you want it
to feel different...

more visceral...
more real.
I was waiting for it
to hit me...

but it just wouldn't happen.
A name
of Mr. Daffy Duck.

Never-Never Land?

Gonna fuck up
all the paperwork.

The police were pissed
because he was traveling
under a false passport.

Go ahead.
Sign the statement.

It's okay.
It just say
he cut his wrists,

already dead
when you found him.

But they didn't ask me
about the map, so...

No problem.
I didn't tell 'em.
You have a nice day.
Good luck.
Excuse me.
Look, I mean...
this island may not
actually even exist,

and even if it does,
I don't even know
if we can get there or not.

I just wondered if you
wanted to come with me.

That's all.
