The Boondock Saints

I ain't gettin' him
no fuckin' bagel.

We'll start the ass kissing
with you.

Agent Smecker.

Listen, I know this neighborhood
pretty good.

There's a bar down the block
named McGinty's.

- It stands a good chance
they were there last night.
- Good work, Mitchell.

I'll check it out myself.
Lookat the ceiling.
Sensey our touch alone.

Wait until you feel me move.

So quick you couldn't
even feel it go, could you?

Let's try it again.
Try it again. Look at the ceiling.

It's Doc.
- Thanks for comin', Doc.
- Jesus Christ!

What the fuck happened?
Are-Are you b-b-boys all right?

- We're alive.
- An F.B.I. agent came by the bar...

and he left me
his c-c-ca--

He left me his c-c--
Oh, he fuckin' gave me this.

- Ass! What are you gonna do?
We oughta turn ourselves in,
tell him it was self-defense.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's what he said.

- How the fuck's he know that?
We haven't spoken to anyone.
- D-D-Don't know.

He d-d-didn't say.
All right. Listen, Doc,
we need you to do us a favor.

- A-A-Anything.
-Just hold on to this for us.

- We're gonna come back for it
when we get out.
- Right.

Fuck! Ass!
None ofthat cursing
was directed at you.
He's-- He's a bit--

First ofall,
I'd like to thank
which ever one of you...


pud-pulling sissies
leaked this to the press.

That's just
what we need now--

some sensational story
in the papers...

making these boys out to be
superheroes triumphing over evil.

Let me squash
the rumors now.

These two are not heroes.
They're just
two ordinary men...
