The Boondock Saints

These guys are
miles away by now.

But if you wanna beat your head
against the wall, then
here's what you're lookin'for.

They're scared, like
two little bunny rabbits.

Anything in a uniform
or flashing blue lights
is gonna spook 'em.

Okay? So the only thing we can do
is put a potato on a string...

and drag it through
South Boston.

- Thanks for comin' out.
You'd probably have
better luckwith a beer.

You would.
- Oh, fuck.
- Hey, Greenly.

Onion bagel, cream cheese.
This conversation
is going to be recorded.

Just answer to
the best of your knowledge.

Excuse me, sir.

Okay, we're ready.
You boys are not under oath here.
Just answer the questions.

I'm assuming...
you knew these guys
from before, huh?

We met them last night.
They had some
pretty interesting bandages.

Know anything about that?
Listen, if you want to fght,
you can see you're out numbered here.

We're trying to be civil,
so I suggest you take our offer.

I make the offers.
Hey, Boris.
What would you do...
ifI told you...
-your pinko Commie mother
sucks so much dick,

her face looks like an egg?
- Fuck you!
- What are you doin'?
