The Boondock Saints

I'm fuckin' fne.
I'll catch you
on the flip side.

I know there's something
happening here

I know there's something
happening here

Domy eyes deceive mymind
I'll bet it was
a fuckin' test.

Vincenzo came in here
shootin' his mouth off.
He made sure we knew.

But we did what
we were supposed to, huh?

We kept our mouths shut.
You did your part.

They know we're good fellas now.
We'll get taken care of, baby.
What? Did everyone know?
Next thing you're gonna tell me
Sal was in on it.

Vincenzo told Sal frst.
That fat fuck knew
before we did.

At least we got
our funny man back, huh?

Here's some more
that you fear

- That was funny, wasn't it?
That was real fucking funny!
- No, not me! Not me!

Huh? Ha! Funny! Funny!
- Funny! Funny! Funny!
- Funny!
- Full, full

Full, full
Full, full
- Full
- Listen, Roc, did anybody seeya?

Fuck, man, I might as well
have gone around postin' flyers.
