The Crew

A sick man...
who, in the end,
forgot everything--

Even his own name.
He couldn't remember
he was once padrone--

Treated with the respect of a god.
Does he look like a god
to you now?

[ Organ Music Playing ]
Raul: Find out who
of my enemies did this...

and bring them to me.
Si, senor.
[ Kisses ]
[ Dance Music Playing,
Crowd Cheering ]

Gentlemen, on the center stage,

let's welcome the lovely Ferris.
[ Moans ]
The Wiseguy Orchestra:
Hey, mambo, mambo Italiano

Hey, mambo,
mambo Italiano

Go, go, go,
you mixed-up Siciliano

All you Calabrese do
the mambo like a-crazy with a

Hey, mambo,
Don't want a tarantella

Hey, mambo
no more a-mozzarella

Hey, mambo,
mambo Italiano

Try an enchilada
with a-fish, baccala

Hey, goombah
I love a-how you dance a rumba
But take some advice,
paisano, learn how to mambo

If you gonna be a square
you ain't a-gonna go nowhere

Hey, mambo,
mambo Italiano

Hey, mambo,
mambo Italiano

Go, go, go,
shake like a Giovanno

[ People Yelling ]
Mambo Italiano
Shake it, baby
shake it

'Cause I love when you take me
That's nice
[ Rock Music Playing ]
Hey, fellas.
That was beautiful.
Thank you.
How do you get up the pole
without using your hands?

Is that an optical delusion
or anything?
