The Family Man

## [ "La Donna EMobile" ]
[ Singing Along With CD ]
#Sempre un amabile #

# Leggiadro viso #
# Inpianto o in riso #
# Emenzognero #
# La donna e mobil #
# Qualpiuma al vento #
# Muta d'accento #
# Edipensier #
# Edipensier #
## [ Luciano Pavarotti
Vocalizing ]

# No #
## [ Vocalizing Along ]
## [ Humming ]
# Bomp, bomp, bomp
bomp, bomp-bomp #

# Bomp, bomp, bomp
bomp, bomp-bomp #

# Bomp, bomp, bomp
bahrump, bomp-bomp ##

[ Elevator Bell Dings ]
Mrs. Peterson.
Hello, Jack.

You don't have to stop
singing on my account.
Oh, it's because I'm shy, Betty.

So, when are you gonna leave
that old corpse, Mr. Peterson,
and run away with me ?

You know you could never
satisfy me the way he does.

[ Elevator Bell Dings ]

Merry Christmas,
Mr. Campbell.

How'd you make out
this year, Tony ?

About four grand,
and a bottle of 25-year-old
Scotch from 9D.

I'm putting it all in
commercial paper like you said.

Good, but just until
the deutsche mark turns.

- Thank you, Mr. Campbell.
- All right.
