The Family Man

You almost married
this woman.

You're not even curious
why she called ?

She's probably just having
a fit of nostalgia.

Lonely Christmas eve. Called
the one that got away. Why
call her back and mislead her ?

This happened
a very, very long time ago.

8:35 on Christmas eve.
Jack Campbell still
at his desk.

Now there's
a Hallmark moment for you.

Peter, I don't see you
rushing home to trim the tree.

That's because
I'm a heartless bastard
who only cares about money.

Well, you know what ?
God love you for that.

Got a call
from Terry Haight.

Bob Thomas is nervous.
That'll happen when you're
about to spend $130 billion
on some aspirin.

Somebody's gotta
nurse him through this.

Why are you staring
at my breasts, Peter ?

I need you, tiger.
Where is he ?

- Aspen.
- Call Aunt Irma and tell her
I won't be able to make it.

You're a credit
to capitalism, Jack.

Hey, Peter, let me
ask you a question.

An old girlfriend
calls you out of the blue
on Christmas eve.

- What do you do ?
- You suddenly having trouble
getting dates ?

- Yeah.
- Leave it in the past.

Old flames are like
old tax returns--

put 'em in the file cabinet
for three years, and then
you cut 'em loose.

I'll leave from my office
tomorrow in the afternoon.

Call the group.
Schedule an emergency
strategy session for noon.

That'll be a nice
little holiday treat.

Good night, Frank.
Hey, Mr. Campbell.

Why didn't you call down ?
I would have had Joe
get your ride.

I'm thinking I'll walk tonight.
It's a nice night for it.
