The Gift

[Wind Blowing,
Thunder Rumbling]

Annie, always use
your instinct, honey.

@ I've been asleep
when teardrops come to stay @

@ It hurts me, but I know @
@@@It's just
my sentimental way@@@@@@

Now you tell Miss Francis
I'll be home by 9:30, okay ?

- [ Ben ] Bring back something.
- All right, I promise.

- I love you too, Mama.
- I know. And I love you too, hon.

- Be good. Bye.
- [ Boys ] Bye, Mama.

- [ Sighs ]
- You ready ?

I don't know why
I let you talk me into this.

'Cause it's time you quit
living like a nun, that's why.

Don't worry. You're going to be
the prettiest girl here, next to me.

You still a married man ?
I don't know about that.
- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you very much.

- Do we pay him now or--
- Uh-uh. I sign for it later.

- Is it good ?
- Mmm.

- Annie, there he is.
- Who ?

That guy I-- That guy I was
telling you about. Look at him.

He's right over there by the bar.
Don't he look like Antonio Banderas?

Oh, my God ! He saw me ! Shit !
He saw me staring at him.

All right, get your cards out. Tell
me if he's gonna come over here.

I don't have my cards with me.
I am off-duty.

Hello, Mrs. Wilson.
- It's Annie.
- Sit down. You're blocking my view.

- Sorry. You remember Jessica ?
- Hi, Annie.

I didn't know you were a member
of the country club.

I'm not.
I kind of tagged along with Linda.
