The Next Best Thing

You just have to be a father...
and a friend.
- You what?
- Robert Robert?

- Gay Robert Robert?
- Hejust goes by Robert now.

- You are outrageous.
- I would not kick him out of bed.

He defiinitely falls into
the "what a waste" category.

- Totally.
- So what was it like?

- Did he rise to the occasion?
- Obviously he did.

Hey, could we move past the sex part
and get onto the now part?

- I'm having a baby.
- Oh, Abbie, that is so great.
- That is cool.

- It's tough being
a single parent, Abbie.
- I'm not gonna be a single parent.

- What?
- Robert's moving in with me...

and we're gonna raise
the baby together.

- Are you sure you know
what you're doing?
- Look, Robert is the
most incredible man...

- I've ever met...
- Right.
- True.

and he's hung in there
when my boyfriends haven't.

That's true.
And we're always gonna love each other
and be in each other's lives...

and we're never getting married,
so we can't get divorced.

You know, there's a certain
crazy logic to this...

and Robert will do
everything a husband will do.

- Exactly.
- Including not sleep with you.

Yes, but I won't be
bitter and resentful about it.

- Well, at least the kid
will be gorgeous.
- Oh, no doubt.

- Will he be gay?
- Kelly!

- What?
- Come on.
- Come on.

My God. Will your kids
be stupid?

- Good to have you here, David.
- Make yourselfat home.

Anything you need,
just let us know.

Okay. Thanks.
- I feel like such an asshole.
- Why?

Because, ifJoe's parents
hadn't kicked me out
and I didn't need this place...

I wouldn't be helping you move out.
- I'd be making a stand.
- Against what?

Against this insane decision
that you're making, Robert.

This is ridiculous.
You're gonna be miserable.

Have you thought about
all the details, like your sex life?

- Are you gonna even have one?
- Listen.

If I was straight, and I turned gay,
you'd be thrilled.

But the fact that I'm having
a baby with a woman-- Uhh!

That's blowing your mind, David.
That's such a double standard.

Oh, so your biological time clock
is ticking. That's it.

- No, that is not it.
- Yeah.

Actually, you know what?
I'm just bored of it all.

I'm bored ofthe parties,
I'm bored ofthe drugs...

I'm bored ofthe body obsession.
I'm not in a relationship.
I don't see one coming, and it happened.

It's not a sacrifiice, you know.
It's an opportunity.
